Thursday, February 7, 2019

Asian-inspired YA that is truly YA. I like it. (So what if I'm OA?)

Serpentine (Serpentine, #1)Serpentine by Cindy Pon
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the story of a serving girl, her young mistress, a sort-of monk, and several other engaging characters. in an East Asian-inspired novel. The main character discovers she has a surprising, even shocking, background and secret story, and that throws her into a bigger story that stretches even to the underworld. The novel includes fantasy violence and action sequences that are engaging and well done, but I feel it is at its best with the interpersonal relationships.

I enjoyed this novel, and feel certain that the YA audience it's aimed at would enjoy it more. The relationships in general--mother-daughter, friends, lovers, rivals--were well done, with love and jealousy and resentment and understanding all emerging naturally. The author's tone toward the sexual relationships was accepting and non-judgmental, and I thought the low-key approach worked, though the difficult social realities facing the characters were not ignored. The integrity of the story was protected from the intrusiveness of an overt message while still establishing an accepting tone, an inclusive tone, that is a message all on its own. (And more effective for it, I thought.)

More of this, please.

The fantasy elements, apparently emerging largely from myth and folktale, drove much of the action and were entertaining and imaginative, with more than a few scares and horrors offered up as well. I like that it was not just dressing; the supernatural aspects were terrifying and dangerous with genuine consequences for the characters.

The novel is a nice length for a satisfying but quick read, though the ending leans really hard into the sequel. More than I prefer, actually. But I liked it, and I recommend it, so I'll hunt down the next one to see what else happens to these characters. I've got my fingers crossed for them...

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